The New Challenges

In 2012 Tracey and I embarked on a series of challenges to raise money for The Haemophilia Society. We had great fun doing it and both felt very fit. So, as we both were slogging up the Mound in the Edinburgh 10 mile run recently, we remarked on how unfit we both were compared to then!

And so Two Tackle Three was resurrected!

Two Tackle Three Take Two (AKA 2T3T2) will see us take on three new challenges each which are crazier and tougher than the first three (although Ventoux was quite tough). We will raise money for an Edinburgh Charity called The Yard. The Yard is a purpose built indoor and outdoor adventure playground for children and young people with disabilities.

Tracey and I have a few links with this amazing facility. One being it has close links with the Childhood Practice Team at Edinburgh College and the second being my late husband, Alistair was involved in providing the yard with their cut down working traffic light, through the BBC Children in Need project, The Big Build.

So Tracey's challenges are -

St Mary Loch Standard Distance Triathlon, Aberfeldy Half Ironman, Glencoe Half Marathon.

And Jane's are -

Windermere Half Marathon, The Moonwalk and the Glencoe Marathon.

We will also be taking part in a variety of other events in preparation for our big challenges.

Our blog will make a welcome return, so you can keep up with our training antics! So please keep up to date. We will let you know soon how you can sponsor us to raise a shed load of cash for The Yard.

Jane and Tracey (Team 2T3T2)

Friday, 15 June 2012

Janey's swimming stories

Back in the pool today and felt great! It was a bit busy but still I was going good. It is amazing how a good experience gives you confidence. Now that I am into training for the Glasgow Half Marathon and the Haddington Sprint Triathlon in September I have the bit between my teeth to improve. So much so that I spoke to Andrew's swimming teacher who was in the pool with two wee kids (who incidentally could swim much better than me despite being only about 3 years old!!!!) about getting a couple of lessons to get my flippin' head under the water. She agreed and said that she had been watching me and that I could shave time off if I found some technique (what as opposed to having none you mean????). It would only take a few lessons she reassured me!!!!!! (you don't know what you are letting yourself in for Lynn, ha ha ha).

Tracey and Erin are limbering up for their marathon cycle tomorrow from Edinburgh to St Andrew's. The weather forecast is not brilliant but as I said to Erin "it will be fine because it never rains when Tracey is running (maybe it will work with cycling too?)".  I am sure it will be fine as it is always sunny in Fife when we go to visit. :) Good luck to you both, can't wait to hear about your adventures. (Good luck to James also who is going with Erin to change sort her punctures ha ha ha ha ha).

I have really enjoyed blogging for twotacklethree so much so that I am going to set up my own blog    called "Janey's running ramblings" which is basically an extension of my blog on Fetch. I will go live with it once twotacklethree is finally over and hope that anyone who has followed me on this one will continue to follow the adventures of one slightly middle aged slow runner who's mantra in life is "don't worry, be happy" :)

Oh and look out for a weekend of race debriefings - Tracey and Edin - St Andrews and Me with my Trail Run in Keswick (there may well be mud - yuk!).

don't worry, be happy :)

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