The New Challenges

In 2012 Tracey and I embarked on a series of challenges to raise money for The Haemophilia Society. We had great fun doing it and both felt very fit. So, as we both were slogging up the Mound in the Edinburgh 10 mile run recently, we remarked on how unfit we both were compared to then!

And so Two Tackle Three was resurrected!

Two Tackle Three Take Two (AKA 2T3T2) will see us take on three new challenges each which are crazier and tougher than the first three (although Ventoux was quite tough). We will raise money for an Edinburgh Charity called The Yard. The Yard is a purpose built indoor and outdoor adventure playground for children and young people with disabilities.

Tracey and I have a few links with this amazing facility. One being it has close links with the Childhood Practice Team at Edinburgh College and the second being my late husband, Alistair was involved in providing the yard with their cut down working traffic light, through the BBC Children in Need project, The Big Build.

So Tracey's challenges are -

St Mary Loch Standard Distance Triathlon, Aberfeldy Half Ironman, Glencoe Half Marathon.

And Jane's are -

Windermere Half Marathon, The Moonwalk and the Glencoe Marathon.

We will also be taking part in a variety of other events in preparation for our big challenges.

Our blog will make a welcome return, so you can keep up with our training antics! So please keep up to date. We will let you know soon how you can sponsor us to raise a shed load of cash for The Yard.

Jane and Tracey (Team 2T3T2)

Sunday, 17 June 2012

Janey's running ramblings

Today I took part in the Karrimor Great Trail Challenge in Keswick, Lake District just for fun!

I have much respect for Tracey as she has come to all of this madness in only October last year. She had a real challenge to face of her own with her Diabetes and she has overcome it all with real success. I have been running for 26 years now and taking on events one after another is something I do year in year out but for Tracey to step up to this in such a short time and to enjoy it (okay well maybe not yesterday) is fantastic.

Together we have raised £1,500 (and rising) for The Haemophilia Society in Scotland which is absolutely amazing. When I set out to do this I had in my mind that if I could raise £500 I would be doing well but with Tracey's help we have blown that out of the water.

Our family has faced a huge challenge since Alistair had his bleed in January 2011, he is well on his way to recovery now and this challenge has really helped me deal with nearly losing my husband. And as a wee bonus I have gained a new pal who has been a real strength to me in these last few years.

I can't thank you enough Tracey but do want to know that our Monday runs are still a feature, obviously now that we have signed up for another triathlon!!!

Twotacklethree as a blog will now come to an end but do hope you will join me on "Janey's running ramblings" (  I have really enjoyed blogging about /my running adventures so I am going to keep it going on another blog. First blog will be a race briefing about today's race in the Lake District.

Thanks to everyone who has donated to our challenge.

don't worry, be happy :)
Sitting all snuggly and warm with a lovely cup of coffee reflecting on yesterday and whether it was really that bad, and the official line is still, yes it was! This was going to be the easiest of my three challenges. I've done it 3 times before and although each time it has been challenging, I knew I could do it. But then the good old Scottish summer weather blew in! I was up bright and early to cycle to the start(I will be including the 7 miles I cycled to the start line in my total) it was pouring, so got completely soaked within a couple of minutes. Met Jane and Alistair at the start, that's commitment for you, up that early just to wave us off, thanks guys! My neighbour had given me some waterproof over shoes, they are kind of like really tight wellies, so I thought that at least my feet would be dry. Unfortunately I hadn't realised that the bottom of one shoe had cracked so the water seeped in anyway. Never mind I thought, it can't be this wet all day, it'll brighten up soon. I was cycling with my two friends Stephen and Twads, well, I say with them, but that means we start together and meet up at the end as they are way faster than me. Off we went. Looking at janes photos it looks like it's night time it's so overcast! I started well, and was making good time till the Forth Road Bridge, when I had to just switch to survival mode! It was so windy the rain was being blown upwards through the wee gaps in the road surface! From then onwards the wind was blowing directly into my face the whole way. At Kinross ( the lunch stop) I met Stephen and Twads again, that never happens, as they are usually so far ahead of me. The next bit after Kinross is usually my favourite bit, it's a lovely stretch over the countryside with gentle hills and great views, usually! A head wind and low mist put paid to all of that, it was hard and horrible! Freuchie is the next stop, for coffee and cakes for everyone except me, but by that stage I was so cold, wet soggy and miserable that even the thought that I had done most of it didn't cheer me up! A few more hilly bits and then I passed the sign for 10 miles left to go, a sight normally greeted with euphoria, but now with a nasty swear word and a grimace! I can't describe how hard that last 10 miles was. I was a broken woman! For the final 5 miles it's all downhill, but not on this occasion! I was in granny gear the whole way battling against the headwind, rain stinging my face . But I made it. My mum was waiting at St Andrews to give me a lift back. I usually have a celebratory pint, but I just got straight in the car, steamed up the windows and shivered all the way home! reflecting on it afterwards over a curry and beer with Stephen and Twads we were considering if we had actually enjoyed any of the day, and the consensus was, no! But it's over, and I have completed my three challenges. I have completed roughly 266.5km(165.5miles) of running, 954km (593miles) of cycling and have swum 22000m ( 13.6miles) Not too shabby!! Although this last challenge was not great, I have LOVED the others! Ventoux was epic, and I'd love to do it again. I've already signed up for another triathlon, and I will probably do St Andrews cycle again next year, but I will be checking the weather forecast next time!! Jane has been a great training partner, motivating me when Dr Dasterdly de Motivate reared his ugly head, and making me run in the first place. I also have to say a huge thank you to everyone who has helped me during the last 6 months and to every one of you who has bothered to read this blog and donate money. If you havent done so yet, then get a move on! I need to give a special mention to Allister for his triathlon training support, to Twads for cycling with me during those long cold winter months and to everyone who has asked me how the training is going and giving me tips and advise. I couldn't have down any of this without Eilidh, my daughter, supporting me thoughout. She has hidden all the chocolate and biscuits in the house so that I'm not tempted, and has selflessly agreed to stay in bed or watch TV whilst I go out training and has come to support me when she can, Thanks Eil!!! One last thing......I did this to prove a point to the doctors who think I should have been on medication for my diabetes since Oct last year, to them I just want to say...."I told you I could do it my way!"

Saturday, 16 June 2012

Full blog posting tomorrow, but just had to say , oh my god, that was HORRIBLE! It was wet cold and windy-in-your-facey! Can barely walk, but have managed to have a curry and a few beers to dull the pain!!

Tracey and the Edinburgh to St Andrew's bike ride

Alistair and I got up early to head into Inverleith Park to show our support of the legend that is Tracey Joyce!  And legend she needed to be - it was absolutely chukking it down and pretty cold.

We got there and began to worry that perhaps no-one else had turned up - it was so quiet. However, gradually people started to creep out of their cars and get their bikes to the start. We headed in and as usual Alistair managed to speak to a Council man and Ged from Edinburgh Bike Co-op! Eventually we found Tracey, hiding under a tree with about a million clothes on. For the second week in a row Tracey is cycling her bike wet!

She peeled off her layers briefly for a Haemophilia Society photo shoot!

She still looks quite happy at this point despite the rain.............

After a bit more standing around in the rain and listening to the Penicuik Silver Band the field began to come together into appropriate finishing time slots. Gave Tracey a quick good luck hug and then headed out to get a vantage point where we could wave her off.

still smiling! :)

Bye Tracey, good luck, enjoy the ride and your beer and a curry when you finish!!!!!

don't worry, be happy :)

Friday, 15 June 2012

Janey's swimming stories

Back in the pool today and felt great! It was a bit busy but still I was going good. It is amazing how a good experience gives you confidence. Now that I am into training for the Glasgow Half Marathon and the Haddington Sprint Triathlon in September I have the bit between my teeth to improve. So much so that I spoke to Andrew's swimming teacher who was in the pool with two wee kids (who incidentally could swim much better than me despite being only about 3 years old!!!!) about getting a couple of lessons to get my flippin' head under the water. She agreed and said that she had been watching me and that I could shave time off if I found some technique (what as opposed to having none you mean????). It would only take a few lessons she reassured me!!!!!! (you don't know what you are letting yourself in for Lynn, ha ha ha).

Tracey and Erin are limbering up for their marathon cycle tomorrow from Edinburgh to St Andrew's. The weather forecast is not brilliant but as I said to Erin "it will be fine because it never rains when Tracey is running (maybe it will work with cycling too?)".  I am sure it will be fine as it is always sunny in Fife when we go to visit. :) Good luck to you both, can't wait to hear about your adventures. (Good luck to James also who is going with Erin to change sort her punctures ha ha ha ha ha).

I have really enjoyed blogging for twotacklethree so much so that I am going to set up my own blog    called "Janey's running ramblings" which is basically an extension of my blog on Fetch. I will go live with it once twotacklethree is finally over and hope that anyone who has followed me on this one will continue to follow the adventures of one slightly middle aged slow runner who's mantra in life is "don't worry, be happy" :)

Oh and look out for a weekend of race debriefings - Tracey and Edin - St Andrews and Me with my Trail Run in Keswick (there may well be mud - yuk!).

don't worry, be happy :)

Thursday, 14 June 2012

Janey's running ramblings

A nice gentle 4 miles this morning. Ran around Penicuik watching the excitement build for the Olympic Torch Relay coming through. The streets in Penicuik have never been so clean. The council were out yesterday sweeping the streets with a dustpan and brush such was the detail paid to cleaning! 

Anyway, got back to the house and changed and then headed back down to the town to see the Torch. What a brilliant time we had (I ended up standing next to a random stranger and we had such a laugh - we were both as excited as each other). I was standing opposite the High School and Rhona's pals noticed me taking sneaky pictures of Rhona and they, as pals do, embarrassed Rhona totally by telling her I was there. Got nice pics of the kids waving their Saltires. The atmosphere was brilliant. 

The warm up part of the parade came first, and dutifully wound the kids up into a frenzy, difficult to do with a bunch of teenagers - but manage it they did! Then shortly afterwards we suddenly noticed a man dressed in white appear out of a car and go over to the kids with A TORCH!!!!!!! We were standing right at the point where a "kiss" was to take place. Sooooooo exciting! Gradually more and more people appeared on bikes and in cars and then the main event - the TORCH. Right enough they stopped just in front of us and "kissed", you could feel the heat of the flame, we were that close.

 It was amazing. I am so excited now - can't wait for the Olympics. I guess that is the whole point of it all to get us all whipped into a frenzy - well it worked!!!!! Frenzy duly whipped. :-)

The town was really buzzing afterwards, and it really helped that it was sunny and warm everyone kind of milled about chatting about how exciting it was. 

Anyway, got my trail run on Sunday so going to go for a swim tomorrow and then head down to Carlisle on Saturday to stay over night and then head to Keswick on Sunday. 

don't worry, be happy :-)
This is your time to shine!!!!!!!!! (now I am torch daft :-):-):-):-))

Tuesday, 12 June 2012

Janey's running ramblings

In preparation for my trail run in Keswick at the weekend, I got myself out for a gentle 4 mile run at lunchtime. My training partner was not with me, she was too busy trying to stop herself from falling asleep! I was very tired yesterday, not physically, but mentally very tired. I think the difference with the triathlon to the usual events that I do is that there is a lot to think about rather than just a run where you start when the gun goes and then stop when you get to the finish. I really enjoyed that aspect although really want to improve my transition and cycle times.

Still run was good, got the legs going again and loosened off my right ankle which was left a bit stiff after Sunday's efforts. I think it was the bike ride which made my ankle stiff, because it was stuck in the same position for 12 miles (clipless pedals) which my ankles are just not used to.

And yes, as Tracey has said we have only gone and entered another tri in September the Haddington Sprint Triathlon. Which is the week after the Glasgow Half Marathon - I don't do things by half do I???

So twotacklethree may be coming to an end but the challenges just keep on coming....................

don't worry, be happy :)
I don't think I've ever been this tired! Two days after the triathlon, and all I want to do is snooze! Is this normal? Had considered training this week, but I have to say it's not looking that likely! Might go to a tap class tonight as I haven't been for ages and I' m a bit of a dancer at heart, so have really missed it. It'll take my mind off the Edin to St Andrews cycle on Saturday, my last challenge. Well I say last, but Jane and I have only gone and entered the Haddington Triathlon in September!!!!

Sunday, 10 June 2012

Woo hooo! We did it! all those months of training for the moment below...crossing the finish line.

Pretty Impressive ( we think!!) The swim was weird, we were both quite nervous before the start, but the hardest part was getting the swim caps on. I never wear one and it felt strange, couldnt hear a thing and my head got really hot! Jane and I were both in the same lane, her in front as she is faster, and off we went! the annoying thing was a guy who had put down 25mins for his swim, but was much faster, so kept on overtaking.  the other guy in the lane went off way too fast then slowed down lots, so we overtook him, that felt good! I lost count agin and was convinced I had only done about 25 when the lap counter told me that I only had 2 left. I questioned her judgement, but accepted her decision! Thats when Jane was getting out.  Both of us were complete girls and swam to the side to get out using the steps rather than beach ourselves trying to lift ourselves out of the water! Then quite a long run across the wet grass to the bikes. I couldnt get mine off the rack and all I could see was Eilidh (official photographer) laughing at me, as I nearly knocked the whole rail down. I felt quite good on the bike, this is the easy bit for me as I get a nice rest on the downhill bits, kept forgetting it was a race and had to remind myself to go faster, but made it back with only one near death experience for a family of pheasants who decided to cross the road in front of my bike. I didnt have a bell so I had to shout "out of the way baby pheasants!" just as I was enetering Peebles! The run started and the sun came out...see it NEVER rains when I run, and I took it easy on the first lap, but tried to pick it up a bit for the second. and then it was over...wooo hooo, that feels good. Official time for me 1 hour 52 mins and 23 secs....much better than I thought, might even do it agin!!

Janey's Triathlon Tales

What a blast we had!!!!! I may well be converted to Triathlon!

Headed off to Peebles at 8.15am today and it was dry, overcast but dry nonetheless. Got to Peebles and then headed for registration. Got my number on my leg and arm - 107 (which incidently was the number of Alistair and I's first flat after we got married!!!). Tracey was number 108 and was in the same swim lane and heat as me - result! Then we headed to transition to hook up my bike and lay out all my stuff - very professionally I might add on a wee towel and everything!!!

Then once Tracey and I done that Alistair took our picture with us both still smiling! 

Then Alistair headed off back to Penicuik to pick up Rhona who was still in her pit when we left! Tracey, Eilidh (Tracey's daughter) and I then went back to suss out what was to happen next. Eilidh did at this juncture point out that we had an hour left before the start of the race. Tracey and I groaned and then we all decided to go for a wee walk to kill some time. Ended up looking at some ducks. I was absolutely terrified of the swim and was probably doing my usual "oh my god what am I doing, I am going to drown, why am I doing this" (sorry Tracey and Eilidh) what they don't know is that I do this at the beginning of every long run (half marathon and marathon) to the point that Alistair always b***ers off (precisely why he went back home for Rhona and breakfast). Finally, it was race briefing time and the excitement was building. Our heat time was here - 10 am. And it turned out that my rather natty white swim cap meant that I was first in the lane. (OMG!). We had a bit of a laugh, which turned out not so funny for my nerves, when we were all in the water the man in charge barked out orders along the lines of "lanes 1 - 3 swim anti-clockwise and the rest clockwise". Well my helpful other lane companions couldn't make up their mind what way was clockwise. Tracey kindly took charge when she could sense I was getting a tad ratty because the two men in the lane had me switching from one side to the other several times. Thank you Tracey, my nerves were shot to pieces at that point and may well have resulted in me shouting at the poor guys who were just trying to be helpful! Anyway, time to go, the whistle went and off we swam. I was determined not to drown this time (which I nearly did in my last triathlon) and took it easy for the first two lengths, easy to do with my pal behind me not hassling me to hurry up (and I mean pal in the non-college sense of the word). I actually really enjoyed the swim in the end and surprised myself with how good I felt all the way through. 

I tried really hard to count properly and was delighted when the nice lady in charge of our lane clonked me on the head with a swim float and said cheerily "two to go". whoop whoop. Got to the end and tried to climb out the pool - not going to happen so had to skip under the rope and climb out by the steps. Everybody watching (triathletes in later heats) all gave us a round of applause when you got out the pool and a really nice man said "well done" as I left the pool building. I was a really nice touch, made me feel fab. 

Then I headed for transition. Eilidh did catch me with her camera running with my swimmy cossy on (dear knows what that will look like but hey ho!). Have to say a huge thank you to Eilidh who gave me her very own special Mexican wave - you did make me laugh Eilidh. Got to my bike and had the longest transition I could probably have - if I do it again I know where I will shave off some time. Going to buy a tri-suit and stretchy laces!!! 

Was really enjoying my bike ride and was delighted to see Rhona and Alistair at Cardrona. Tracey was on a flier (she had a time to beat in order to gain some sponsorship money) she passed me at Cardrona and just kept on pulling away from me - amazing - well impressed Tracey :))

My cycle wasn't that great, but to be honest I hadn't done much cycle training because I was busy training for the Edinburgh Marathon and finding time to squeeze in a cycle amongst 4 and 5 hour training runs was tough. But now I have the bit between my teeth and might well enter another sprint triathlon to try and get my bike time down! 

Anyway, back to the race, once I finally got myself back to Peebles I hopped off the bike at the dismount point and wobbled my way down the huge slope back down to the pool. There was a guy shouting at me to just run down the hill "you are having a laugh I said I can hardly walk down this hill with my slippy shoes and wobbly legs!". Anyway, back to transition and at this point I realised the merit of owning stretchy laces! 

Flung all my stuff onto the ground next to my bike (not so neat any more!) and then wobbled my way back out to the run.

Now, you would think that running is where I would feel okay again. Flippin' eck my legs were really wobbly, didn't feel like my legs at all. It took me a good mile before I felt like I was finding my stride. We were running round in a big circle and I kept seeing Tracey who was ahead of me, I think people must of thought we were a bit bonkers as we kept shouting at each other over the river and waving like mad things. 

Finally, after two laps of the three bridges I was home. Tracey finished just in front of me. 

And in true JaneyM fashion this Fetchie had to land and a very efficient Fetchie wingwave was executed!! 

If you look carefully you can see the Fetchie coming in to land!

For the number crunchers here was my breakdown of times:

swim - 22 mins
T1 - 5.06
bike - 53.19
T2 - 2.28
run - 31.28

Total - 1.54.21

I am very happy with my swim time, normal run time for 5K but my transitions and bike ride leave room for improvement! Will work on that I think - see hooked!!!!!

So that is my twotacklethree challenges finished, Tracey still has her big bike ride to complete next week and our target fundraising amount has shot through the roof standing at over £1,300 - a huge thanks to everyone who has sponsored us in this madness for the Haemophilia Society in Scotland.

Thank you to everyone who has supported us.

don't worry, be happy :)

Saturday, 9 June 2012

Janey's running ramblings

Went out for a short 3 mile run today. The sun almost came out and it was lovely and warm - the rain did come  on for a little while but didn't last long. I have a bit of a niggle left over from the marathon - my little toe and the one beside it on my right foot is still a bit sore. Because they have been rubbing together my foot has developed quite a sore bit however it settled down when I was out running. So as long as I tape it up it should be okay tomorrow. Need to nurse it along for my trail run next week. Got my race number and my t-shirt for next weekend - a wee holiday weekend race - I love it!!! Can't wait.

Anyway, back to this week, got a box all ready to pack all my stuff in it for transition. Alistair (my half ironman hero) advised that it would be good to pack it all in a box in case it was raining, that way it was kept dry off the ground and I could just stick something over the top of it to keep the rain off. He also suggested that it would be a good idea to practice changing my tyre before hand to make sure I can remember how to do it.  My pal Hazel (also a half ironman hero) gave me the same advice and also told me to practice my transitions to make sure I had forgotten nothing. I am actually looking forward to it now - just a bit different from my normal events. I have been quite adventurous this year - marathon, triathlon and trail runs. Have really quite enjoyed the challenge that twotacklethree has brought this year.

Anyway, going to check out my bike now to make sure it is in working order! Can't work out what to wear tomorrow once I am out the pool - pool easy cossie, goggles and hat. My transition pile will look like a jumble sale because I will have so many choices. Hazel said not to underestimate the cold - she got hypothermia after taking part in the Half Ironman in Snowdonia (llanberis) although as I said to her I am sure I won't be pushing myself to the limit in quite the same way that she did that day. (Hazel was quite good - used to win things). Finishing will be my win!!

This will be my last challenge in twotacklethree and I want to take this opportunity to thank everyone for their support and donations to our fundraiser - It is an amazing amount of money that you have all helped us raise. Tracey still has her final challenge to complete next week - Edinburgh to St Andrews Bike Ride (70 miles). No mean feat!

Look out for race debriefing tomorrow :)

don't worry, be happy :)
Aaaargh! This time tomorrow we'll be doing the triathlon! I don't feel ready, but it's too late now! We are hoping the weather won't be too bad, but it is Scotland in summer, so will probably rain. I keep thinking, 'as long as it's not too windy'.I know that I've one as much training as I could, apart from a couple of skiving off days, I have pretty much stuck to my plan of running 2 -3 times a week, swimming 2 -3 times a week and cycling one day a week since January. I know I can do the distances, not so sure I can do all of them one after the other though, but will find out tomorrow! Today I will be getting ready, taking everything I can off the bike to make it as light as possible ( I don't think I'll need my pannier rack and my bell). Am now relying on Eilidh to keep me right about what I need, she has endured getting up early and watching her dad compete in triathlons, too many to mention, since she was wee, so is an old hand at this! I feel somehow this one will be different!

Friday, 8 June 2012

Janey's swimming stories

What a bloomin' awful day today it was today. The rain just kept on coming and coming. I went for a 3 mile walk this morning and had planned to go for a short cycle in the afternoon but with the way the weather was just couldn't face it. So decided to go for a last swim (before the Triathlon) instead. As the pool is only 10 minutes away and Alistair had my car today I walked down to the pool. Flippin' eck I think I was wetter outside the pool than I was in it.

So managed my 750m, didn't bother with time but was happy that I kept going for the whole 30 lengths without stopping (other than the blip at the end when my goggles steamed up and I ran into the end of the pool cos I couldn't see :) ).

I do hope this horrible weather goes away, or at least stops raining, on Sunday otherwise we just won't have fun :(

don't worry, be happy :)

Thursday, 7 June 2012

Janey's running ramblings

After helping at the primary school I headed out for a four mile run. It was really nice, although I think the council had decided that this was the day they were going to cut ALL the grass in Penicuik. I was sneezing like nobody's business by the time I got back. There was great big spots of rain landing all around me by the time I was heading home and the skies had gotten very dark and it was very warm. It felt like a thunderstorm brewing - but nothing yet. I love it when it gets like that.

Got an email about my race pack from the Great Trail Run in Keswick on the 17th, can't wait. It is basically a 10K trail run up one of the prettiest wee fells in Keswick, Latrigg. I don't know how many times I have walked and run up Latrigg and never tire of the view from the top. When you get to the top you see Skiddaw to the back of Latrigg, Derwentwater stretched out in front of you and then Keswick down below. It is just wonderful. And to top it off, as it is Father's Day we gave Alistair the choice of the Loosebox (now known as LB's or the Old Keswickian (chippy) a resounding Chippy was the reply from everyone, so that is where we are having out tea out next Sunday!!! Excellent.

Got to get the Triathlon out of the way first though! 

don't worry, be happy :)

Wednesday, 6 June 2012

Janey's swimming stories

Alistair got word from the hospital of a cancellation to go and see the surgeon at the hospital about what might be the next step with his clot. Both of us were very nervous about what they would say next because although an operation would be absolutely controlled there is still the huge complication of further bleeding - which is not good. So the appointment came along and the surgeon said that they would be better to leave well alone and allow the clot to either continue to shrink or to fibre up - either way will cause Alistair no harm. Operating might well cause a further clot in removing the one that is already there - so they would rather not do that. So as it stands this is a kind of ending point - all Alistair has to do is keep taking his factor and get further scans from time to time to keep an eye on it.

So with that in mind we talked about him just getting on with life again (within reason!!!) so he came down to the pool with me tonight to have a bit of a gentle swim about. He just took it easy swimming gently up and down. I have no idea how many lengths I did, or how fast I did them, and to be honest I don't care, it was just lovely to see Alistair doing something he loved doing prior to the bleed. Considering he was about to start his training for the UK Ironman the week of the bleed it was wonderful to see him back in the water, albeit very very gently. He knows that running is probably out of the question now but if he can get back to swimming a bit then that can only be good for his health.

Triathlon on Sunday and my last challenge. I think it will be a challenge for me because swimming is not my strength but you know what, seeing Alistair in the pool tonight after all he has been through will carry me through Sunday (even if I am drowning) as 2 hours of physical exertion is nothing compared to what he has been dealing with.

don't worry, be happy :)

Tuesday, 5 June 2012

I love a day off! Get up when I like, think about what to do over a cup of coffee that I actually finish! I had many options my garden is so overgrown I've lost both cats several times, my house is such a mess I can't find Eilidh and I still need to so some training. So I cut the grass in the morning in that beautiful sunshine, and did a bit,( but not all! )housework, by which time Eilidh had got out of bed and said she wanted to go swimming! Then quickly changed her mind when she realised that if I went by myself she could just sit and watch crap on TV all day instead! So I cycled to the Commie ( car has a HUGE nail in the tyre so is flat, a tyre I only got replaced 2 weeks ago..grrrrrr!). Unfortunately when I got there I realised I had forgotten my goggles, how annoying, I wanted to do 750 m and see how I got on. I did try to do the crawl, but couldn't see a blooming thing! I couldnt stay in a straight line, so switched to breast stroke. This doesn't tire me out so much so instead of doing 15 lengths of the 50 m, I kept going for 20 lengths instead. I did attempt crawl , but only when there was no one coming in the opposite direction in the lane. Then back on the bike, round Arthurs Seat before heading home ( prob about 10k) then, and I hope you'll be impressed with this, a 3 k ish run! My own wee mini triathlon!

Janey's running ramblings

What a difference with my inhaler! 4 miles in the beautiful sunshine without any wheezing. Thank goodness I do get that I feel like an auld wummin when I get all wheezy.

Going to head off to the shops tomorrow afternoon after my trip to Dunbar and Prestonpans (work) to go and try and get a new swimming cossie.

Hope you went out training Tracey and didn't just sit on the sofa watching the Queen again ;)

don't worry, be happy :)

Monday, 4 June 2012

Janey's running ramblings

Today Tracey and I headed out for our Monday run a bit later today because our HNC students were holding their Celebration of Achievement party today. I had realised that I had forgotten my inhaler on the way to work but decided that if I took it easy then I should be okay. First sign that things were not going to be great should really have been Tracey saying that she suddenly felt like her nose had blocked when we went outside - pollen!!! So coupled with high pollen and quite a hot day I was hopeless. Sometimes I do wonder if my asthma is all in my head - but nooooooooooooooo, not today. I was wheezing like an auld donkey. Poor Tracey got an absolutely rubbishy run as we kept having to stop for me to walk as I just could not get the breath to run.

I got home a while ago and was able to take my inhaler and now I feel normal again. As Tracey said it does prove that the inhaler does what it is supposed to. So not a great last run together before our Triathlon but things can only get better - as the song says.

don't worry, be happy :)

Saturday, 2 June 2012

Janey's nae running ramblings

This is the first Saturday in I don't know how long that I haven't been out for a run! (gasp) We were at Alistair's Mum's today and it was nice to just sit in the sun, go for a wee trip to Anstruther, have ice-cream and just not run. Will need to go out tomorrow.

To catch up on yesterday Rhona and I did go out for a cycle (13 miles) in the afternoon. It looked like it was going to rain a bit when we set out but the sun came out and we were both boiling. So it was important that we sat down for a wee rest at Rossyln Chapel for ice-cream. Do you think there will be an ice-cream stop on the triathlon cycle route??

Took some nice pics.....

Rhona as you can see is enjoying her very expensive Mint Magnum, and our bikes are having a rest too! 

Will get going again tomorrow.

don't worry, be happy :)

Doing sod all today!!! Not being lazy, I have a concert rehearsal followed swiftly by the concert, so no time at all. hopefully will do a wee bit tomorrow, but Commie shut, so will have to be a cycle or a run, will see what I fancy......probably coffee!

Friday, 1 June 2012

Janey's swimming stories

Got myself down to the pool when it opened at 9am this morning and apart from 4 women swimming up and down slowly I pretty much had it to myself. So I decided that today would be the day to test myself. So in I got, first thing realised I had forgotten to actually take a puff of my inhaler which by this point was at the side, miles away from where I was. Decided to give it a go without it. Was fine. Off I went. I still have absolutely no technique but quite happy in that I can chunter up and down fairly strongly (in my opinion). I managed 20 lengths in about 14 mins without stopping and then the beeps started. I had forgotten all about the wee babies swim class and the blasted boom wall was going up. So I was down to 17.5m to swim with. I stopped to let the boom wall come up and do the maths on how many lengths I had to now do to take me up to my full distance. Then I got going again. I went to switch my watch back on and realised I had forgotten to switch it off and the time had rattled away with itself. So now I have absolutely no idea about how long it will take me next weekend, but hey ho! I know I can make it, how fast/slow will be the question.

Then I had a wee practice climbing out of the pool. Last time I did a triathlon I was lucky enough to have the end lane and had steps but knowing my luck I will be plonked in the middle lane and have to ungracefully haul myself out of the pool. Managed it, but not gracefully, much to the hilarity of the lifeguards (who just laughed at me).

Might go out on my bike for a wee spin later on, depending on the weather. Not really into cycling in the rain. Also going to head out to try and buy a new swimming costume - might as well try and look the part. :)

don't worry, be happy :)