The New Challenges
In 2012 Tracey and I embarked on a series of challenges to raise money for The Haemophilia Society. We had great fun doing it and both felt very fit. So, as we both were slogging up the Mound in the Edinburgh 10 mile run recently, we remarked on how unfit we both were compared to then!
And so Two Tackle Three was resurrected!
Two Tackle Three Take Two (AKA 2T3T2) will see us take on three new challenges each which are crazier and tougher than the first three (although Ventoux was quite tough). We will raise money for an Edinburgh Charity called The Yard. The Yard is a purpose built indoor and outdoor adventure playground for children and young people with disabilities.
Tracey and I have a few links with this amazing facility. One being it has close links with the Childhood Practice Team at Edinburgh College and the second being my late husband, Alistair was involved in providing the yard with their cut down working traffic light, through the BBC Children in Need project, The Big Build.
So Tracey's challenges are -
St Mary Loch Standard Distance Triathlon, Aberfeldy Half Ironman, Glencoe Half Marathon.
And Jane's are -
Windermere Half Marathon, The Moonwalk and the Glencoe Marathon.
We will also be taking part in a variety of other events in preparation for our big challenges.
Our blog will make a welcome return, so you can keep up with our training antics! So please keep up to date. We will let you know soon how you can sponsor us to raise a shed load of cash for The Yard.
Jane and Tracey (Team 2T3T2)
Sunday, 17 June 2012
Janey's running ramblings
I have much respect for Tracey as she has come to all of this madness in only October last year. She had a real challenge to face of her own with her Diabetes and she has overcome it all with real success. I have been running for 26 years now and taking on events one after another is something I do year in year out but for Tracey to step up to this in such a short time and to enjoy it (okay well maybe not yesterday) is fantastic.
Together we have raised £1,500 (and rising) for The Haemophilia Society in Scotland which is absolutely amazing. When I set out to do this I had in my mind that if I could raise £500 I would be doing well but with Tracey's help we have blown that out of the water.
Our family has faced a huge challenge since Alistair had his bleed in January 2011, he is well on his way to recovery now and this challenge has really helped me deal with nearly losing my husband. And as a wee bonus I have gained a new pal who has been a real strength to me in these last few years.
I can't thank you enough Tracey but do want to know that our Monday runs are still a feature, obviously now that we have signed up for another triathlon!!!
Twotacklethree as a blog will now come to an end but do hope you will join me on "Janey's running ramblings" ( I have really enjoyed blogging about /my running adventures so I am going to keep it going on another blog. First blog will be a race briefing about today's race in the Lake District.
Thanks to everyone who has donated to our challenge.
don't worry, be happy :)
Saturday, 16 June 2012
Tracey and the Edinburgh to St Andrew's bike ride
We got there and began to worry that perhaps no-one else had turned up - it was so quiet. However, gradually people started to creep out of their cars and get their bikes to the start. We headed in and as usual Alistair managed to speak to a Council man and Ged from Edinburgh Bike Co-op! Eventually we found Tracey, hiding under a tree with about a million clothes on. For the second week in a row Tracey is cycling her bike wet!
She peeled off her layers briefly for a Haemophilia Society photo shoot!
Friday, 15 June 2012
Janey's swimming stories
Tracey and Erin are limbering up for their marathon cycle tomorrow from Edinburgh to St Andrew's. The weather forecast is not brilliant but as I said to Erin "it will be fine because it never rains when Tracey is running (maybe it will work with cycling too?)". I am sure it will be fine as it is always sunny in Fife when we go to visit. :) Good luck to you both, can't wait to hear about your adventures. (Good luck to James also who is going with Erin to change sort her punctures ha ha ha ha ha).
I have really enjoyed blogging for twotacklethree so much so that I am going to set up my own blog called "Janey's running ramblings" which is basically an extension of my blog on Fetch. I will go live with it once twotacklethree is finally over and hope that anyone who has followed me on this one will continue to follow the adventures of one slightly middle aged slow runner who's mantra in life is "don't worry, be happy" :)
Oh and look out for a weekend of race debriefings - Tracey and Edin - St Andrews and Me with my Trail Run in Keswick (there may well be mud - yuk!).
don't worry, be happy :)
Thursday, 14 June 2012
Janey's running ramblings
Anyway, got back to the house and changed and then headed back down to the town to see the Torch. What a brilliant time we had (I ended up standing next to a random stranger and we had such a laugh - we were both as excited as each other). I was standing opposite the High School and Rhona's pals noticed me taking sneaky pictures of Rhona and they, as pals do, embarrassed Rhona totally by telling her I was there. Got nice pics of the kids waving their Saltires. The atmosphere was brilliant.
The warm up part of the parade came first, and dutifully wound the kids up into a frenzy, difficult to do with a bunch of teenagers - but manage it they did! Then shortly afterwards we suddenly noticed a man dressed in white appear out of a car and go over to the kids with A TORCH!!!!!!! We were standing right at the point where a "kiss" was to take place. Sooooooo exciting! Gradually more and more people appeared on bikes and in cars and then the main event - the TORCH. Right enough they stopped just in front of us and "kissed", you could feel the heat of the flame, we were that close.
It was amazing. I am so excited now - can't wait for the Olympics. I guess that is the whole point of it all to get us all whipped into a frenzy - well it worked!!!!! Frenzy duly whipped.
The town was really buzzing afterwards, and it really helped that it was sunny and warm everyone kind of milled about chatting about how exciting it was.
Anyway, got my trail run on Sunday so going to go for a swim tomorrow and then head down to Carlisle on Saturday to stay over night and then head to Keswick on Sunday.
don't worry, be happy
This is your time to shine!!!!!!!!! (now I am torch daft
Tuesday, 12 June 2012
Janey's running ramblings
Still run was good, got the legs going again and loosened off my right ankle which was left a bit stiff after Sunday's efforts. I think it was the bike ride which made my ankle stiff, because it was stuck in the same position for 12 miles (clipless pedals) which my ankles are just not used to.
And yes, as Tracey has said we have only gone and entered another tri in September the Haddington Sprint Triathlon. Which is the week after the Glasgow Half Marathon - I don't do things by half do I???
So twotacklethree may be coming to an end but the challenges just keep on coming....................
don't worry, be happy :)
Sunday, 10 June 2012
Pretty Impressive ( we think!!) The swim was weird, we were both quite nervous before the start, but the hardest part was getting the swim caps on. I never wear one and it felt strange, couldnt hear a thing and my head got really hot! Jane and I were both in the same lane, her in front as she is faster, and off we went! the annoying thing was a guy who had put down 25mins for his swim, but was much faster, so kept on overtaking. the other guy in the lane went off way too fast then slowed down lots, so we overtook him, that felt good! I lost count agin and was convinced I had only done about 25 when the lap counter told me that I only had 2 left. I questioned her judgement, but accepted her decision! Thats when Jane was getting out. Both of us were complete girls and swam to the side to get out using the steps rather than beach ourselves trying to lift ourselves out of the water! Then quite a long run across the wet grass to the bikes. I couldnt get mine off the rack and all I could see was Eilidh (official photographer) laughing at me, as I nearly knocked the whole rail down. I felt quite good on the bike, this is the easy bit for me as I get a nice rest on the downhill bits, kept forgetting it was a race and had to remind myself to go faster, but made it back with only one near death experience for a family of pheasants who decided to cross the road in front of my bike. I didnt have a bell so I had to shout "out of the way baby pheasants!" just as I was enetering Peebles! The run started and the sun came out...see it NEVER rains when I run, and I took it easy on the first lap, but tried to pick it up a bit for the second. and then it was over...wooo hooo, that feels good. Official time for me 1 hour 52 mins and 23 secs....much better than I thought, might even do it agin!!
Janey's Triathlon Tales
Headed off to Peebles at 8.15am today and it was dry, overcast but dry nonetheless. Got to Peebles and then headed for registration. Got my number on my leg and arm - 107 (which incidently was the number of Alistair and I's first flat after we got married!!!). Tracey was number 108 and was in the same swim lane and heat as me - result! Then we headed to transition to hook up my bike and lay out all my stuff - very professionally I might add on a wee towel and everything!!!
If you look carefully you can see the Fetchie coming in to land! |
Saturday, 9 June 2012
Janey's running ramblings
Anyway, back to this week, got a box all ready to pack all my stuff in it for transition. Alistair (my half ironman hero) advised that it would be good to pack it all in a box in case it was raining, that way it was kept dry off the ground and I could just stick something over the top of it to keep the rain off. He also suggested that it would be a good idea to practice changing my tyre before hand to make sure I can remember how to do it. My pal Hazel (also a half ironman hero) gave me the same advice and also told me to practice my transitions to make sure I had forgotten nothing. I am actually looking forward to it now - just a bit different from my normal events. I have been quite adventurous this year - marathon, triathlon and trail runs. Have really quite enjoyed the challenge that twotacklethree has brought this year.
Anyway, going to check out my bike now to make sure it is in working order! Can't work out what to wear tomorrow once I am out the pool - pool easy cossie, goggles and hat. My transition pile will look like a jumble sale because I will have so many choices. Hazel said not to underestimate the cold - she got hypothermia after taking part in the Half Ironman in Snowdonia (llanberis) although as I said to her I am sure I won't be pushing myself to the limit in quite the same way that she did that day. (Hazel was quite good - used to win things). Finishing will be my win!!
This will be my last challenge in twotacklethree and I want to take this opportunity to thank everyone for their support and donations to our fundraiser - It is an amazing amount of money that you have all helped us raise. Tracey still has her final challenge to complete next week - Edinburgh to St Andrews Bike Ride (70 miles). No mean feat!
Look out for race debriefing tomorrow :)
don't worry, be happy :)
Friday, 8 June 2012
Janey's swimming stories
So managed my 750m, didn't bother with time but was happy that I kept going for the whole 30 lengths without stopping (other than the blip at the end when my goggles steamed up and I ran into the end of the pool cos I couldn't see :) ).
I do hope this horrible weather goes away, or at least stops raining, on Sunday otherwise we just won't have fun :(
don't worry, be happy :)
Thursday, 7 June 2012
Janey's running ramblings
Got an email about my race pack from the Great Trail Run in Keswick on the 17th, can't wait. It is basically a 10K trail run up one of the prettiest wee fells in Keswick, Latrigg. I don't know how many times I have walked and run up Latrigg and never tire of the view from the top. When you get to the top you see Skiddaw to the back of Latrigg, Derwentwater stretched out in front of you and then Keswick down below. It is just wonderful. And to top it off, as it is Father's Day we gave Alistair the choice of the Loosebox (now known as LB's or the Old Keswickian (chippy) a resounding Chippy was the reply from everyone, so that is where we are having out tea out next Sunday!!! Excellent.
Wednesday, 6 June 2012
Janey's swimming stories
So with that in mind we talked about him just getting on with life again (within reason!!!) so he came down to the pool with me tonight to have a bit of a gentle swim about. He just took it easy swimming gently up and down. I have no idea how many lengths I did, or how fast I did them, and to be honest I don't care, it was just lovely to see Alistair doing something he loved doing prior to the bleed. Considering he was about to start his training for the UK Ironman the week of the bleed it was wonderful to see him back in the water, albeit very very gently. He knows that running is probably out of the question now but if he can get back to swimming a bit then that can only be good for his health.
Triathlon on Sunday and my last challenge. I think it will be a challenge for me because swimming is not my strength but you know what, seeing Alistair in the pool tonight after all he has been through will carry me through Sunday (even if I am drowning) as 2 hours of physical exertion is nothing compared to what he has been dealing with.
don't worry, be happy :)
Tuesday, 5 June 2012
Janey's running ramblings
Going to head off to the shops tomorrow afternoon after my trip to Dunbar and Prestonpans (work) to go and try and get a new swimming cossie.
Hope you went out training Tracey and didn't just sit on the sofa watching the Queen again ;)
don't worry, be happy :)
Monday, 4 June 2012
Janey's running ramblings
I got home a while ago and was able to take my inhaler and now I feel normal again. As Tracey said it does prove that the inhaler does what it is supposed to. So not a great last run together before our Triathlon but things can only get better - as the song says.
don't worry, be happy :)
Saturday, 2 June 2012
Janey's nae running ramblings
To catch up on yesterday Rhona and I did go out for a cycle (13 miles) in the afternoon. It looked like it was going to rain a bit when we set out but the sun came out and we were both boiling. So it was important that we sat down for a wee rest at Rossyln Chapel for ice-cream. Do you think there will be an ice-cream stop on the triathlon cycle route??
Took some nice pics.....
Friday, 1 June 2012
Janey's swimming stories
Then I had a wee practice climbing out of the pool. Last time I did a triathlon I was lucky enough to have the end lane and had steps but knowing my luck I will be plonked in the middle lane and have to ungracefully haul myself out of the pool. Managed it, but not gracefully, much to the hilarity of the lifeguards (who just laughed at me).
Might go out on my bike for a wee spin later on, depending on the weather. Not really into cycling in the rain. Also going to head out to try and buy a new swimming costume - might as well try and look the part. :)
don't worry, be happy :)
Thursday, 31 May 2012
Janey's running ramblings
As I was running I was thinking about what one of the boys in the primary class I help had told me this morning. He runs with JogScotland's Junior Joggers and is about 8 years old. The teacher had told the class that I had run the marathon and that I had my medal for them to see. He quietly said to me, whilst I was helping him with his numeracy (stop laughing all who know about my complete lack of maths ability it is only P3 maths!), that he had won the Junior marathon at the weekend. I was very impressed and we chatted about how it had been hot and he asked me if I had used the hydration tablets in with the race number when I was running the marathon. I said that I had used two in my drink and he said he used one but didn't really feel thirsty so they must have worked. I was really impressed with his knowledge of running at only 8 years old. I asked him if he had to stand up on a stage to get his prize for winning. At this point another child joined in and said were you first to which he replied "no, nobody was first we were all winners" and then he told me how a nice lady gave him a medal when he ran over the line. I said to him that was fabulous and asked him if he had really enjoyed himself. He told me he had and that he is maybe going to run the 5K next year. All I could think about was how hung up adults get on times, distance, etc etc and this wee lad was fair pleased that he had won the marathon and there was no discussion about time etc! And so he had - we need to take a leaf out of his book and just enjoy what we do. After lots of years of running I am just chuffed that my body is holding up enough to let me enjoy 5K, 10K, half marathons, marathons, triathlons and trail runs. Quite an exciting life really when I think about it!
Enough rambling, nice run and a swim tomorrow - might even hit the road with my bicycle tomorrow!
don't worry, be happy :)
Wednesday, 30 May 2012
Janey's running ramblings
Me and my Fetchie pals McNewbie and SpeedyMel
That was us at the start!!! which is why we are laughing :)
Tuesday, 29 May 2012
Janey's running ramblings
Monday, 28 May 2012
Janey's post marathon mumblings
Because I was up early I got all the packed lunches made and did my Asda order. How about that for multi-tasking.
Left for work at 7.50am and managed to slowly drive myself to work, was absolutely fine as long as I didn't have to move my legs from the position they were in to drive the car. Was hoping I wouldn't have to do an emergency stop as I wasn't sure that would be possible!!
After a morning where I just sat about a bit and with Tracey just keeping on feeding me and bringing me tea, we decided to go for a walk instead of a run, mainly because I couldn't get my feet into trainers. It was still lovely weather, but TODAY there was a breeze!!!!!!! It was good to get out and move my legs. Hopefully that should stem the DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness).
Finally, chucked in the towel at about 2.45pm today when I caught myself almost nodding off at my computer. The drive home was even slower than the drive to work. Finally, I got myself home and flopped into a seat.
Here's hoping keeping moving will help how I am feeling tomorrow, got to get moving again for the Triathlon in two weeks time - aagghhh!!! (quite looking forward to it really now that the big one is out of the way).
don't worry, be happy :)
Sunday, 27 May 2012
Janey's Marvellous Marathon tales!!!!
What can I say? It was boiling!!!!!
My day started when I met with other Fetchies for an official pre race photo (to follow) and I had a blast with McNewbie (from Manchester) and Speedy Mel (London). What a laugh we had right up until will started running.
It took us at least 15 mins to cross the start line as there were (as far as I know) 27, 000 people running today. My first 6 miles were okay, not too bad, but I could feel the heat building. My Mum and Dad were at Bath Street on the Portobello Prom. It was brilliant to see them as it gives you a real lift when you see people you love come out to cheer you on. The beach looked brilliant today - there were kids everywhere on the beach and even people sunbathing (much better idea on a day like it was today). I got myself to Musselburgh where I met SpicedApple from Fetch (got a big hug from her) again brilliant to see someone who is supporting you. Miles were starting to build by this point, and I was at the Musselburgh Race Course and heading towards Prestonpans. My main job at this point was to try and spot Ann at Port Seton, who is supporting us , unfortunately I couldn't see her (later found out she was cheering her neice and nephew on who were way faster than me and on the way back as I was heading out). Saw Ellem and Smout and others (sorry guys thanks for coming out but I wasn't sure who the others were but I love you all anyway.) Fetch support is amazing - they really gave me a lift. The miles were really building now and so was the heat. I thought last year in London was really hot but dear knows what the heat was today - it was relentless. Not to mention the fact that someone had stolen the breeze (wind) that Tracey and I always run in at Cramond! It was roasting. As I got to Longniddrie my Ipod started doing really wierd things, I think I had drenched it in water too many times. I was trying to sort out the problem when I was aware of someone running next to me pushing the coldest bottle of water I had the pleasure to get a hold of today. IT WAS TRACEY!!!!!!!!! I was so chuffed to see her. I mumbled something about being boiling and I just remember her saying "I know, Jane it is horrible". I laughed at that for ages. I kept thinking nobody is making me do this, but she is soooooooooooo right it was pretty horrible at that point. I ran under so many hoses (thank goodness we don't have a hose pipe ban). I decided at that point that I had to plan a strategy to get me to the end as I still had 10 miles to go. So I decided that when I got to 17 miles I would start to use "scouts pace" to get me to the end. So what I did was run for 200 paces and then walk for 100 paces. This was so the right thing to do. I don't think I would have made it to the end otherwise. There were casualties to the heat everywhere. One guy had even got into such a state that we overheard the paramedic saying to him that he had arrived at them delirious, and then had a seizure. They were telling him where he was and what his name was. Not good! But it really was that hot, so easy to have slipped into not having drunk enough and run to fast. So run/walking it was for me.
On the way back past Longniddrie Tracey was still waiting (that really helped Tracey thank you so much) and there seemed to be several other people screaming "Go Jane" (were they with you Tracey?). Tracey then did shout after me "sprint finish Jane" Ha, you have got to be kidding was my retort. This is because we both say we'll do a sprint finish at the end of our lunchtime runs and never really get any faster!! :)
I began to knock off the miles 22, 23 and then I was cheered on by the wonderful Fetchies who had waited on us slow Fetchies coming through(know who you are - thank you for standing boiling in the heat all day it was brilliant to see you all at this point).
Finally 24 came into view, then 25, on my way home now. At this point Tracey's Dr Dasterdley appeared telling me to "just stop running and then the pain will stop" I contemplated this for about two seconds and then banished Dr D to the water and got on with run/walking. As we got back to Musselburgh people starting telling me (and another runner who by this point I was running with) that we were nearly there and it was just around the corner. We were on a straight road with millions of runners stretching out ahead of us. There didn't appear to be a corner!!! The guy I was running with turned to me and very tired said "where the f**k is this b****y corner" All I could do was laugh as I was thinking exactly the same thing - he just voiced it. Then all of a sudden we were there round the corner right enough - it just appeared and there was the finish line. Managed to pull out enough energy to do my customary Fetchie Wingwave, this Fetchie definitely needed to land.
Final time (according to my watch time - official one not in until tomorrow) 5 hours and 29 mins. Quite happy with that considering the heat. You can see from my finisher picture that I am happy to be finished and absolutely nick nacked!!
Alistair produced the best thing at the end of a marathon that I could have - a FLASK OF TEA!!!!!!! He knows me so well. I had been dreaming about a cup of tea since 24 miles.
I am absolutely shattered, sore legs and a bit sun burnt but you know what I am so pleased that I finished and did everyone of our sponsors proud!
Thank you again for all the support you have shown Tracey and I.
don't worry, be happy and go to sleep for a wee while :)
Janey's marathon mumblings
Made sure my Fetchie nails were okay;
Saturday, 26 May 2012
Thursday, 24 May 2012
Janey's taper tales
Bought my new socks, blister plasters, sun tan cream, Mule Bars and shot bloks (well Ali got me them), lucozade and a mars bar for after the marathon. (should have got a snickers eh??).
I am reading a book on my kindle just now called "Keep on Running: the highs and lows of a marathon addict" and there was a fabulous quote which I am going to think about when things get tough around 20 miles:
"Time is so utterly relentless in its passage that all you have got to do is cling onto it and it will get you there".
Tracey appears, from her blog, to be suffering from pre-race nerves. They are good but harness them Tracey and they will do you good. You don't have to be good at every element of the triathlon. You are an amazing cyclist (Ventoux proves that) and you can pull out a 31 min 5k so no problem there - all you have to do is hang on in there during the swim and not trip over your shoe laces in transition (you've got stretchy laces so you've got that covered). Once I have got the marathon out of the way I can start to give it my attention and we can calm each other down.
Alistair got a call today from his Doctor at the Haemophilia Centre and they have decided to cut down his factor nine to every three days as they reckoned that it wasn't aiding the recovery and was basically just sitting at sky high levels for no reason. Every three days will be enough to prevent any bleeding. Thank goodness, it will make a difference to him to not have to do that every day. Another great reason for a good run on Sunday.
We are nearly up to £1300. I can't believe we have reached that much. Yet another great reason for a good run on Sunday.
Better have a good run on Sunday eh???
don't worry, be happy :)
Wednesday, 23 May 2012
Janey's taper tales
Tracey and I were going to out at lunchtime but work got in the way AGAIN, what a cheek. I am kind of glad we didn't go out as the clothes I had with me were for much colder, more usual, weather. I came home and decided to try out a different get up for Sunday (the one I had planned would have me boil if it is like this). So trotted off around Penicuik with shorter shorts and my marked up charity vest. Felt good, can't wait, very excited now.
Going to head into town tomorrow to get some new socks (I know I can hear all my running friends shouting new socks this close to the marathon - but the ones I was planning to wear now have a hole in them and my toe sticks out - a dead cert blister there if I wear them). I will buy an identical pair and will wear them for the next few days to check for bits that could rub. Also going to pop up to Evans Cycles to pick up some more Mule Bars to munch on my way around the route.
It is funny that last year I was getting ready for the London Marathon and I had to plan for a family holiday (leaving on the Thursday) this time it all seems much more relaxed. I am taking Rhona to the dentist tomorrow, doing a bit shopping, Hunter and Lass on Saturday and then pop into town on Sunday to run 26 miles. It just doesn't have the same fear factor as London did - although it is exactly the same random 26.2 miles but is run on roads I am totally familiar with and my house is only 30 mins away. Wonder if that will make a difference to my time - it has in the past.
Alistair was at the Haemophilia Centre again today following his latest scan. His clot has gotten a little smaller and is beginning to show signs of firming up. When it gets to a certain point the hospital may decide to operate to remove it, however at the moment, he has to continue as he is and get on with the business of supporting me and Tracey in our fundraising endeavour! He takes all of this in his stride and I am so proud of the way he does that, me I don't and I have to hide in running long distances or I stop and think about it too much. All of this madness is for him :)
Thanks to everyone who has donated so far we have far outreached our target and is rising daily, it is real encourager knowing that everyone is routing for you!! I will do my best on Sunday - finishing is my target but if I can put in a decent time also then I will be happy.
Might not blog much over the next few days as I am, as I said earlier, doing nothing, but there will be pre and post race briefing on Saturday and Sunday for definite.
don't worry, be happy :)
Tuesday, 22 May 2012
There are no words really ........................
What else can I say?
don't worry, be happy :)
Janey's taper tales
I have a wee bit of a sore toe - a bit of a blister - left over from a long run a few weeks ago. Will nurse it over the next few days to try and get it to harden up before Sunday.
EEEEEEK, a wee bit excited now.
don't worry, be happy :)
Monday, 21 May 2012
Janey's taper tales
So only two more days of short runs and then two days rest before the big day!!! (will do a wee short run on Saturday).
don't worry, be happy
Sunday, 20 May 2012
Janey's taper tales
Saturday, 19 May 2012
Janey's taper tales
I had another attack of cramp on the other leg last night. I think my legs are just objecting to stopping running longer distances. Taper madness!! Although I wanted to go out for a gentle jog around parkrun - Tracey can't help herself and we were whizzing past people on the way back. Her race plan is to take it easy on the way out and then speed up on the way back. We haven't got our time yet but I do hope I didn't hold her back!!!!
My marathon nerves are beginning to build and will no doubt get worse as the week goes on. However, I have done a lot of training and I feel in good shape. So hopefully, weather permitting, body permitting I am hoping to have a good Marathon next Sunday.
Watching the Olympic Torch relay on the television at the moment and it is absolutely gorgeous weather in Cornwall so just keep it that way please until we get there in July!!!!! :)
Don't worry, be happy :)