Later in the day - Disaster! After only 20 mins into a fierce headwind, I meet this challenge....go as far as Chalet Reynard, only 6 k from the top.!!
(still a few texts to come through - technical issues with the phone!)
text message from the top! "Wooooooooooooooooohoooooooooooooooooo!!! I MADE IT, with a small caveat! Made it to 500m off the summit, but winds at 120km per hour made it too dangerous for me to go any further. I could see the summit in between the clouds, but couldn't even stand, let alone cycle. Did a video to upload so you can see how bad it was. Not had any reception for the past 3 hours so you will get all these messages at once. But anyway, woooooooooooooohooooooooo again! Now I just need to cycle back down then only 40K to the hotel!!!
2pm (our time - 3pm France) Tracey has just phoned me and uncharacteristically for Tracey she was squealing rather loudly with excitement. SHE HAS DONE IT!! 4 hours to reach the top and 45 mins to get back down! excellent.
She said that there was a barrier over the road saying that the mountain road was closed so Tracey being Tracey just ignored it and went through anyway - glad she did. She said that she managed to get 500m from the summit before having to turn back because 120 mile an hour winds were flinging rocks at her head, at that point she decided enough was enough and headed back. She did ask if that meant that she had done it - I said I think so!!! She is still 40km from her hotel and was stopping to have a banana sandwich and wee rest before heading back. That will be a well earned cold beer or two at the end.
I really have never heard Tracey so excited about anything, I am so chuffed for her, she said she was for herself also.
Well done Tracey, you are an inspiration.
Now it is time for you guys out there to start donating!! Challenge one done.
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