Having got my mileage out the way for the week by Thursday I thought I was in for a restful weekend where I didn't have to exercise those muscles. Who was I kidding, by the time we were having our dinner on Friday night I had clocked up 6 miles of walking about. The lake, as always, was really beautiful.

Saturday morning came and after a hearty Cumbrian breakfast (Ali not me - I just had a normal breakfast!) we got all togged up for our walk up Walla Crag. This is our walk that we do if we are only in Keswick for a short time. It is a decent walk, not too high but high enough that you get an excellent view of the fells in all directions. It has a good mixture of terrain and up and downyness. You also get to meander back along the lakeside on the way back. Finishing up with a nice bowl of soup at the Lakeside Cafe back in Keswick. It has to be said although it wasn't wet (just a bit misty from time to time) it was absolutely blowing a gale (can I not escape those winds? My hair was not at it's best really.....
Alistair on the other hand didn't have the same hair issues! We did this walk before Christmas and he said that he found our walk on Saturday much easier, he said he couldn't feel the clot as much as before, which is really good. He was walking really well.
Once we came down off the top of the hill we walked through the woods back to Friar's Crag. On the way we saw thee most awesome sight. Normally we look in the little pools at the side of the path to see the frog spawn or little frogs (depending on the time of year) but we have never ever seen the frogs actually producing the frog spawn. It was absolutely captivating (despite the fact that Alistair did point out that we were actually watching millions of wee frogs having it away with each other!!! :)). Not only that but we took pictures and a video. I was very intrigued by it all.
How cool is that????
Finally, we got back to Friar's Crag a wee bit knackered and ready for our lunch.
Our weekend was really nice, it was a chance for us to chat about what happened last year and reflect back on how it has changed us as a couple. We are probably closer than ever and really enjoy each other's company. We missed Andy and Rhona being with us in Keswick but it was really lovely having time to just be Jane and Ali rather than Mum and Dad.
Keswick means a lot to me, I have been going there since I was very young and it is the place where I find a lot of peace. The minute we turn down into the valley with Blencathra to our right followed by Skiddaw, Latrigg and then down into the town I am calm and no matter what has been happening I find peace. I was saying to Alistair that if the outcome had been different last year then Keswick is probably where I would have headed to mend because he would have been everywhere, we have had so many wonderful moments there. There are so many stories about all of the hills that we have shared. Anyway, enough wistfulness, just take it that we had a great weekend.
Derwentwater |
Catbells from Derwentwater
We walked almost 10 miles and when I think about how well Alistair looked walking up the hill, I am even more inspired to keep going and try and raise what I can and take on the SpeySide Way. An Ultra of 37 miles is no where near what Alistair survived last year so I will give it my all. I even bought new running shoes and a rather natty Ultra running back pack to carry my food and map for when I get lost on the Speyside Way. Fabulous weekend.
don't worry, be happy :)
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