Moonwalk Scotland - 11 June to 12 June 2016
On the evening of the 11 June Rhona and I headed into Edinburgh to take part in my second challenge, The Moonwalk Scotland. The Full Moon. We got there around 8.30pm and headed into the Moonwalk Village. The excitement was building, it had a real carnival atmosphere. First we were met by a drum band. Really got the atmosphere going.
Once we were in the huge Moonwalk tent we exchanged our food token for a yummy tray of pasta and a piece of flapjack. Took this photo of Rhona, who said that her face is a mixture of exhaustion and fear! Often the look of a rookie marathoner!
Shortly after we got our pasta a celidh fusion band called "Bahookie" took to the stage and began to entertain us. Some of the fused songs were a bit dodgy but it was loud, cheerful and gave us all something to focus on other than the 26.2 miles ahead.
We nipped outside before it would start to get dark and braved the cold to get our photo taken in our bra! It wasn't warm I can tell you! But it was great fun to be part of the tartan revolution!

Rhona looking slightly more chirpy than she did at the end!
Before we knew where we were the sky began to darken and the time to start walking came that bit closer. I would love to say that this photograph was a real lucky chance that the moon came out over Holyrood Palace but it wasn't, there was a huge moon tethered to the ground. Made for a great photograph though!

Back inside we took a quick selfie, as you can see our faces show just how tired we were becoming. By this point it was around 10.30pm. The tent was really filling up by this point. It was a real inspirational place, there were participants who were very young taking part in the New Moon (6 miles) to the Half Moon (13.1 miles), the Full Moon (26.2 miles) and the Over the Moon (52 miles). There were women and men of all shapes, sizes and ages. It was marvellous that all (including the men) wore their decorated bras (the trademark of the Moonwalk) regardless of their shape or size. It was a celebration of our breasts! And how much we want to come together to find a cure for breast cancer.
Outside it was starting to get quite dark, the moon was looking stunning over the start line. The excitement was starting to build as were the queues for the toilets!
After a fun warm up with the legendary "Roy" (no idea who Roy was never mind why he was legendary!) a lone piper came on and played "500 miles" by the Proclaimers. Our cue to head outside to the start line. Took this fabby photo of Rhona in her decorated bra before a wee old woman came along and started to dress her because "you are going to be freezing without a coat dear". Hee hee.

What followed was the toughest 26.2 miles I think I have ever covered! Walking is tougher than running in my opinion! No idea why it just is. The toughest bit for me was the walk at around 1.30am in the morning through Ravelston and Cramond where it was dark, quiet and it felt really long. We did have two very funny moments though. At one point around Ravelston there was a lovely wee old drunk man, singing and eating chips standing beside the marshalls, they were so sweet to him and just let him sing. The second moment was in Cramond where a group of four guys were walking along slightly drunk. Two of them were in front of the others with two a little further behind. One guy tripped up and landed flat on his face, he hopped up and said to his pal "thank goodness the guys didn't see that", his pal laughed and said "no but the whole of the Moonwalk did!" one very red faced young man skulked off with his friend killing himself laughing.
The walk down to Silverknowes was very hard as it was very dark and it felt like it went on forever, as we got down to the Foreshore we passed a van with two young guys in yellow vests dancing to D J Casper Cha Cha Slide. They were in time and dancing the moves perfectly, they were a very welcome relief after the darkness. They got a huge cheer as we passed. That took us down to the seafront, where it suddenly got very cold again.
We then walked all the way along Seafield Road to Portobello onto the Prom, it was lovely as the sky had lightened and the dawn chorus was beginning. This lifted everyone's spirits. Mine too, I had found the dark bit really hard. The walk back up to the park was very tough. The last four miles skirted back and forth around Arthurs Seat. Rhona was finding it very tough from about 19 miles but she hung on in there and after a low point of a few miles she perked herself up and strode confidently to the end. She made me laugh at one point in the last 3 miles saying "we have been within half a mile of the finish three times and they keep taking us somewhere else". We got to the point where we were taking bets on where we might go next. But finally, the park was in sight and we were almost at 26 miles. Then we were there. We were finished. We had completed the Moonwalk Scotland. It was hard, but rewarding in the end. Walking through the night was definitely the hard bit for me, but we did it. And we got our medals, which a particularly blingy! Thanks for walking with me Rhona, you are a very strong young woman, I was very proud of you.

Two weary finishers!
That is most definitely one of the hardest things I have ever done, and I am really proud of myself. Training for Glencoe has already begun, I am on week 2 of my 16 training schedule. I am sure it will be equally difficult but at least I will be back within my comfort zone and running again!!
don't worry, be happy